

Dave Brunner

  Send Email  •  (610)543-8879

SENIOR PASTOR              

Rev. Dave Brunner

Rev. Dave Brunner became Senior Pastor in September of 2020. He and his wife, Keara, have three boys—Ezra, Calvin, and Hugo. Prior to moving to Springfield, Dave served at churches in Arizona and Nebraska. He has filled a variety of pastoral roles including Youth, Music, and Family Ministries. Dave has a Master of Theological Studies from Gateway Seminary in Ontario, CA.

Associate Pastor

Alex Zebutis

  Send Email  •  (610)543-8879

Alex comes from the Chicago area and is currently working toward a Masters of Ministry at Westminster Theological Seminary. His area of responsibilities encompass worship music as well as family, youth and children's ministries.

Church Secretary

Nicole Nkosi

  Send Email  •  (610)543-8879

Nicole Nkosi and her husband Malachi moved here to the Delaware County area in the beginning of 2021, Since then joined as SBC Secretary in March 2024.

"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."-

Galatians 6:10